Let me introduce myself I’m Jeanne Silvey the owner and creator of Florida Keys Singles.com and this has been my dream to create a online dating site where the people of the keys can find friends, romance and activity partners to share their life in paradise with maybe even get married.
For the people who have jobs where they work at home, with the same clients, are new in town and even if your a long time local its sometimes hard to meet new people with similar interests especially if you have limited days off or don’t go out as much due to the pandemic, hence I present to you Florida Keys Singles.
With the ever changing advancements in technology that we sometimes take for granted, during this pandemic people are empowered to be able to meet and keep in touch safely via social media just think how fortunate we are and an increasingly high number of people are taking advantage of this during the new normal.
How it works?
First off let me tell you what your subscription provides all our great features that are sometimes xtra on other sites….and the biggie our radio advertising that kept new people logging on everyday sometimes 2 and 3 new members a day and for you hopeful singles like myself maybe one will be your person too.
I always like to know what Im paying for so I’ll tell you we have great advertising on US1 radio 98.7 Country WAIL and 104.5 is one of the main ways we get the word out. If any members have any advertising ideas to further this site please feel free to drop me a line! There is a contact us button on the bottom of the page or email me at [email protected]
Get Involve with our great Community, become a Contibutor
We only need 30 members to subscribe monthly to be able to continue our radio advertising long term. Subscriptions are $29.00 per month less if you get 3 months or more, its about the price of lunch with a few cocktails and a tip. If your serious about finding someone to share your life’s adventures with subscribe and show your support!
Let me note we do offer a one time monthly fee for those who want to get acquainted on the bottom of the subscription page. For those who chose recurring subscriptions there will soon be a cancel subscription button option under My Preferences > Cancel Subscription but like the old song says “Love Takes Time”
I’ve been taking polls for years and Im a long time local since 92, and how couples meet has always interested me I can tell you a large percentage of locally engaged or married couples met at work since some of us have to work 2 jobs to afford paradise meeting at work or couples meeting thru friends from work is very common.
Several people I spoke with guys and girls alike went back to their home towns and brought their high school sweetheart or old flames back to the keys with them. One man wrote and asked as he was being transferred to a job in the keys “Is dating really as bad as I hear down there,” thats when I said to myself I can change this because I have passion for it and the love and friendship I hope it spreads.
Keep the Dream Alive!
May your dreams come true, mine came true when I was able to get the site up and running we are putting in a new upgraded mail system with matches, chats favorites and meet me at your fingertips making it easy to connect with people who share your values and interests.
Stay tuned and support me in my endeavour of turning the small shallow dating pools that I keep hearing about into an ocean with dozens of our quality keys singles joining everyday. Because you deserve the best and I want to make that happen here for you!
If you still believe in love like I do Click Here and for a preview of our new advertising. Click Here.
Best of Wishes and Thanks To All,
Jeanne Silvey/admin

I’m Jeanne Silvey, owner and creator of Floridakeyssingles.com. It has been my dream to create an online dating site where people in the Keys can find friends, romance and activity partners. I’m excited to relieve this dream with you!